1. Many of the XFCNs in this stack take a hexstring as one of their arguments. You should generally enclose such a string in quotes or precede it by an H prefix. Otherwise, you may get an "Don't understand" error message from Hypercard.
2. Other relevant XFCN's and XCMD's will be forthcoming. This stack was getting too big however, and it seemed reasonable to upload this version now rather than put up a stack that would take an inordinate amount of time to download.
3. Modify this stack and use its XFCN's to your heart's content. But do not upload anywhere any modifications or variations of this stack. The DisAsm XFCN is really a small application in itself. It, and the other XFCN's, may be used in any non-commercial stacks you like, but please do acknowledge their source.
4. Address comments/suggestions to David P. Sumner CIS 75515,1507.